His Wicked Reputation

His Wicked Reputation Madeline Hunter


His Wicked Reputation (Wicked Trilogy #1)

She was a sensible woman.
He was a man who could drive a woman senseless with desire.

Gareth Fitzallen is celebrated for four things: his handsome face, his notable charm, his aristocratic connections, and an ability to give the kind of pleasure that has women begging for more. Normally he bestows his talents on experienced, worldly women. But when he heads to Langdon’s End to restore a property he inherited—and to investigate a massive art theft—he lays plans to seduce a most unlikely lady.

Eva Russell lives a spinster’s life of precarious finances and limited dreams while clinging to her family’s old gentry status. She supports herself by copying paintings while she plots to marry her lovely sister to a well-established man. Everyone warns her of Gareth’s reputation, and advises her to lock her sister away. Only it is not her sister Gareth desires. One look, and she knows he is trouble. One kiss, however, proves she is no match for this master of seduction.


Edições (2)

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His Wicked Reputation


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3 estrelas
on 26/8/23

Sabe aquele livro que passa tão rápido que parece que leu em 30 minutos? Pois esse foi o completo oposto! Sinto como se tivesse passado meses presa nele! A trama, em si, é interessante e diferente e todo o mistério do roubo das obras de arte é bem trançado, contudo, precisava ser muito mais bem trabalhado. Ao fim, a história acaba sendo extremamente confusa, se resume a muitas cenas de sexo sem um bom enquadramento com o livro e acaba com várias perguntas sem resposta. As obras não são... leia mais


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