Her Royal Wolf

Her Royal Wolf G. Bailey


Her Royal Wolf (Fall Mountain Shifters #3)

A Rejected Mates Romance

My alphas have crowns…and if I can win the rite, so will I.

After arriving in Fall Mountain Pack, I found out all the secrets the alphas were forced to keep from me—and the terrible truths that came with them.

Along with what loving them will cost me.

The rite is a thousand-year-old test for the position of alpha female, and if I want to win it, I have to battle against wolves far stronger and more trained than I am.

The six instructions for the Forest Rite:
1. Once you enter, you can’t shift.
2. You can’t leave unless you win, not even in death.
3. Don’t look into the shadows.
4. If a path appears, take it at your own risk.
5. This is the forest of the gods. Pray to them for help.
6. Only one wolf leaves.

The alphas can’t save me now, and we aren’t alone in the city. The old gods are stirring, pulling themselves back into a world on the brink of war.

The angels are silent, including their king, which is strange.

Persephone and Hades’s love may have been written in the stars, but if I want my alphas, I have to fight.

And I will.

This is a full-length reverse harem romance novel full of sexy alpha males, steamy scenes, a strong heroine and a lot of sarcasm. Intended for 18+ readers.

Erótico / Fantasia / Ficção

Edições (2)

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Her Royal Wolf
Her Royal Wolf


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on 24/8/22

sinceramente? nem sei porque ainda tô lendo issokkkkkk 8 livros pra essa enrolação do kct pqp! a ideia do livro é maravilhosa, só que o desenvolvimento é uma merda, tinha tudo pra ser bom, as ideias plods e tals mas tem muitos furos aí da desânimo pra ler, mas ok até aqui eu espero que os alfas fiquem completos novamente, a mai seja uma boa espiã e volte logo e que a desgraçada da adira morra logo pq não vou aguentar que ela continue respirando no mundo por muitos livros ainda ?... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 52
ranking 31
ranking 35
ranking 21
ranking 10
ranking 4



cadastrou em:
18/04/2024 17:10:51
editou em:
18/04/2024 17:11:02

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