Help Me Remember

Help Me Remember Corinne Michaels


Help Me Remember

New York Times bestselling author Corinne Michaels brings you a new small-town, brother's best friend romance.

In one second, my life disappeared.

My past. My memories. My future.

The only certainty I have from the last three years is that my older brother is dead, and I am the only eyewitness.

In order to protect the case, the lawyers demand that no one give me any information about my life . . . I must remember on my own. My only help comes from my brother's best friend and world-renowned investigative reporter, Spencer Cross.

He has no idea how many nights I've spent dreaming of his name-and his body-next to mine.

Now we're a team and our goal is to recover my memories and retrace my past. But each day we spend together, he's looking at me as more than his friend's little sister and I find it harder to want my old life back. Instead I'm wishing for a new one-with him. His kiss feels like home. His arms make me feel safe, and I never want this to end.

As my memories return, forcing me to face my future, everything falls apart... especially when I find an engagement ring hidden in my apartment. I have no idea who gave it to me, or what it means about my past.

I may have asked Spencer to help me remember, but now I wish I could forget.


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Help Me Remember


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Quando a bondade e o auxílio são minados.

Brielle acorda no hospital e não se recorda do que aconteceu. Seu irmão, Isaac, foi assassinado, e pelo visto ela estava com ele e é a única testemunha ocular do que ocorreu. Todos na cidade se conhecem, Isaac era um treinador admirado por muitos e Brielle é assistente social que atua na cidade pouco tempo depois que retornou a viver nela, quando deixou Portland. Bem, ela só se recorda do que aconteceu até três anos atrás e ninguém quer contar o que aconteceu desde então para que o pro... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.7 / 13
ranking 15
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ranking 23
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cadastrou em:
11/12/2022 21:09:53
editou em:
11/12/2022 21:11:38

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