Hello Forever

Hello Forever Sarina Bowen


Hello Forever (Pay it Forward #2)

Original title: It's Never Over
A basketball game changed both their lives.

When they were only teenagers, Axel and Caxton were caught making out in the woods at church camp. And afterward, Cax had disappeared from all the youth group activities.

Six years later, Axel is astonished to spot his first love’s face in the crowd of a college basketball game he’s watching on TV—at a school which has just offered him a job. It’s a thousand miles away, in a tiny rural town. But suddenly, he can’t wait to get there.

Cax can’t believe his eyes when Axel appears in the same Massachusetts town where he now lives. And he’s still just as drawn to Axel as ever. But he can’t let himself go there again, because loving Axel will mean giving up everything else he holds dear.
Both men have so much to lose. But as far as their love is concerned, it's Hello Forever.

Hello Forever was previously published as It's Never Over. This is a stand-alone novel with no cliffhangers. Readers of Goodbye Paradise will get to check in on Caleb and Josh and their clan.

Erótico / Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Hello Forever


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Resenhas para Hello Forever (5)

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Amei demais
on 28/5/20

O que mais me deixa triste nessa história é saber que Cax não esta sozinho no mundo. Quantas pessoas se escondem o tempo todo porque a família não os aceita e faz da vida deles um inferno. Meu Deus eu estou apaixonada pela escrita da Sarina e vou começar a fazer campanha para que as editoras brasileiras publiquem essa mulher. Sério mesmo, os livros dela retratam realidades que precisam ser discutidas aqui no Brasil. AMie esse livro demais, a história de superação de Axel e Cax e ainda... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.7 / 38
ranking 16
ranking 61
ranking 21
ranking 3
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cadastrou em:
08/02/2017 22:58:33
editou em:
15/07/2017 21:09:09

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