Heart Thief

Heart Thief Ker Dukey


Heart Thief

Monsters come in many forms.
Some want shiny new toys to play with—others want blood.
Mona Walters dreams of adventure, of a world beyond the shoreline she’s confined to. She yearns for vibrancy in her dull, mundane existence, but succumbs to the bleakness.
Until the necklace her sister wore the night she was brutally murdered shows up on her door wrapped in a neat bow, fueling her to run away and seek out the person responsible for stealing her sister’s life.
Mona wished for more—for color in her gray world.
What she didn’t realize was just how much more she would get.
And that the world outside her own was soaked in red—blood red.
The world she dreamed of is made of nightmares.
A rich, influential world of two brothers—and once they have her in their sights, they plan to keep her there.
Her father kept her secluded for a reason.
Be careful what you wish for.
There's a thief out there, and he's coming for Mona's heart.
Some want shiny new toys to play with—others want blood.
Mona Walters dreams of adventure, of a world beyond the shoreline she’s confined to. She yearns for vibrancy in her dull, mundane existence, but succumbs to the bleakness.
Until the necklace her sister wore the night she was brutally murdered shows up on her door wrapped in a neat bow, fueling her to run away and seek out the person responsible for stealing her sister’s life.
Mona wished for more—for color in her gray world.
What she didn’t realize was just how much more she would get.
And that the world outside her own was soaked in red—blood red.
The world she dreamed of is made of nightmares.
A rich, influential world of two brothers—and once they have her in their sights, they plan to keep her there.
Her father kept her secluded for a reason.
Be careful what you wish for.
There's a thief out there, and he's coming for Mona's heart.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Heart Thief


Resenhas para Heart Thief (2)

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Heart thief (Sinister Fairy Tale Collection)
on 1/11/20

4,5 estrelas Quando li a sinopse do HEART THIEF, não fazia ideia de qual era a opção de história que essa autora escolheu recontar. Mas logo no início podemos ver que é uma recontagem sombria e distorcida de Moana. Nossa heroína aqui chama Mona e ela vive em uma ilha isolada, onde seu pai é o líder de um culto que acredita que apenas as pessoas que vivem lá são purificadas. Ninguém pode deixar o local, apenas os escolhidos para obter suprimentos. O povo da ilha sofreu uma lavagem cer... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.7 / 19
ranking 11
ranking 58
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cadastrou em:
17/06/2020 18:03:06
editou em:
26/06/2020 17:52:04

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