Heart Smart

Heart Smart Emma Lee Jayne


Heart Smart (Work For It #2)

An Enemies to Lovers Romance

Dr. Maximillian Ramsey has a problem…

I’m a jerk. Everyone I know or have ever worked with agrees. “Misanthropic asshole” is the term I hear most often. I don’t care what other people think as long as they leave me alone to focus on my research on soil microbiology. Plus, I walk with a cane thanks to a childhood accident. I have scars on my face. And if that isn’t enough to scare people off, my bad attitude and general grumpiness seal the deal. Which is just the way I like it. Except, I’ve been short listed for one of the most prestigious academic fellowships around. To win it, I’ll have to give a series of speeches. On a stage. With an audience. While being filmed. Yeah. None of that is going to happen. Unfortunately, my boss has a plan. He brings in one of the communications lecturers to give me a “make over,” help me write the speeches, and manage my social media. But the last thing I need is some nosy, bossy, gorgeous woman meddling in my life.

And Holly is the solution…

I’m a mere communications lecturer at a prestigious research university. I’m used to being outclassed and under-educated compared to the PhDs who surround me. But I’m good at what I do. Brilliant, actually. When Max’s boss (who happens to be my ex-husband) begs me to help transform this beast of a man into someone worthy of the fellowship, I have my work cut out for me. It’ll take a lot of badgering, blatant manipulation, and some outright thievery to get Max to cooperate. All of which I handle with the enough professionalism and restraint that should earn me a fancy grant. What I can’t handle is how unexpectedly attractive I find the stubborn and brilliant man. This is a battle of wills and wits, and neither is prepared to admit defeat …
‘Heart Smart’ is a full-length contemporary romance and can be read as a standalone. Book #2 in the Work For It series, Educated Romance World, Penny Reid Book Universe.


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Heart Smart


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Qq eu vou te dizer né
on 18/4/24

O livro começa bem bobo, parece bem uma cópia de the love hypothesis no início mas depois toma seu próprio rumo. achei ridícula a linguagem da protagonista que censura os palavrões e fica uma coisa bestial. o desenvolvimento foi bem legal e envolvente mas no final o cara aceita um monte de coisa que nunca tinha pensado antes na vida numa tacada só. não me desceu. mas o ponto positivo é que é meio Spencer Reid coded então sei lá, até passa.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
30/05/2022 18:13:57
editou em:
30/05/2022 18:14:34

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