Heart Of The Wolf

Heart Of The Wolf Alicia Montgomery


Heart Of The Wolf

True Mates Generations #9

Spoiled, rich, and vain Isabelle Anderson has grown up. After being left pregnant and alone by her True Mate, she’s finally standing on her own two feet and built a life for herself and her son. But, when Ransom turns up unexpectedly, the foundations of her life are threatened and she knows she must do everything she can to prevent him from finding out that he is her son’s father. But more than that, she must also protect her own heart, which yearns for him despite his betrayal.

The moment he saw her, Lone Wolf Ransom knew he had to have Isabelle. The vapid and selfish princess was hiding a heart of gold, and one smile from her melted his resistance. But, circumstances forced him to push her away, for her own good. There was a plan that was set in motion long ago, and she was a complication he couldn’t afford, not when he was so close to what he wanted: revenge on those who wronged him in the past. He managed to stay away from her, but when her life is threatened, it was seemingly impossible for him to ignore it and he seeks her out to protect her.

When they cross paths, that old attraction sparks again—but was it really ever extinguished? Will Isabelle be able to keep the existence of their son from him? Can Ransom put revenge aside for good in order to win her back and prove to her they were meant to be together?

But their enemies have ramped up in full force and their threat is much bigger than both of them. As the fight heats up, can they focus on defeating the mages, while ignoring the call of True Mates? Or will the mages finally get what they want—the destruction of the Lycans and rule over of the entire world and humankind?


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Heart Of The Wolf


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cadastrou em:
05/09/2021 23:38:17
editou em:
05/09/2021 23:38:28

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