Hateful Love

Hateful Love Addison Beck...


Hateful Love (Kings of Aces #1)


I'm tired of feeling trapped in my life.
It’s just a never-ending cycle of trying to survive the day.
Luckily, I have Blaine to keep me entertained.
We’re enemies but despite him being everything I hate; I’m addicted to him and the things we do in the dark. Somehow, he’s crept his way under my skin, and I’m obsessed with the way he’s making me feel.
I don’t want to admit I’m falling for him—the golden boy—but he’s my perfect match in every way.
He gives me something I never thought I’d have and, even though we’re impossible, I won't let anyone stand in the way of us.


My life is suffocating me.
Perfect son, star athlete, ideal student. I’m overwhelmed—unraveling at the seams.
Until Silas flips my world on its axis.
My dirty little secret.
He’s my perfect escape from reality. I can let loose and feel good for a change. He makes me feel alive for the first time.
But he’ll always be someone I despise. He’s arrogant, the epitome of a bad boy and yet the longer we do this, the harder it’s becoming to ignore my growing feelings. He’s not what I expected, but he’s exactly what I need.
And now that I’ve had him, I refuse to let him go.

Hateful Love is an enemies-to-lovers, opposites-attract, secret romance that centers around the bad boy and the jock and all the things they do in the dark. Mix in some possessive vibes, prying friends, and corrupt politics, and Hateful Love will take you on a wild but bumpy ride.

LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (1)

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Hateful Love


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Betting You
Omitting You
Regretting You
Painful Love

Resenhas para Hateful Love (13)

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????? Hateful Love
on 20/4/24

Simplesmente perfeito!! Sou muito suspeito para falar de dark romance MM já que sempre acho todos maravilhosos, mas esse é realmente muito bom!! Os personagens são incríveis e bem trabalhados, a história é gostosinha de acompanhar e muito viciante, e a escrita me prendeu bastante. O Silas e Blaine tem muita química, tipo muita mesmo!! Eles implicam um com o outro a anos e com certeza tinham muita tesão acumulada, então tudo aconteceu rapidamente (algo que eu particularmente gosto por... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 89
ranking 45
ranking 38
ranking 15
ranking 2
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
13/02/2024 14:58:50
editou em:
13/02/2024 15:00:04

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