Harrow the Ninth

Harrow the Ninth Tamsyn Muir


Harrow the Ninth (The Locked Tomb #2)

Harrow the Ninth, the sequel to the sensational Gideon the Ninth, turns a galaxy inside out as one necromancer struggles to survive the wreckage of herself aboard the Emperor's haunted space station.

“Lesbian necromancers explore a haunted gothic palace in space! Decadent nobles vie to serve the deathless emperor! Skeletons!” ―Charles Stross on Gideon the Ninth

“Unlike anything I've ever read.” ―V.E. Schwab on Gideon the Ninth

“Warm and cold; goofy and gleaming; campy and epic; a profane Daria in space.” ―Robin Sloan on Gideon the Ninth

She answered the Emperor's call.

She arrived with her arts, her wits, and her only friend.

In victory, her world has turned to ash.

After rocking the cosmos with her deathly debut, Tamsyn Muir continues the story of the penumbral Ninth House in Harrow the Ninth, a mind-twisting puzzle box of mystery, murder, magic, and mayhem. Nothing is as it seems in the halls of the Emperor, and the fate of the galaxy rests on one woman's shoulders.

Harrowhark Nonagesimus, last necromancer of the Ninth House, has been drafted by her Emperor to fight an unwinnable war. Side-by-side with a detested rival, Harrow must perfect her skills and become an angel of undeath ― but her health is failing, her sword makes her nauseous, and even her mind is threatening to betray her.

Sealed in the gothic gloom of the Emperor's Mithraeum with three unfriendly teachers, hunted by the mad ghost of a murdered planet, Harrow must confront two unwelcome questions: is somebody trying to kill her? And if they succeeded, would the universe be better off?

Fantasia / Ficção científica / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira / Terror

Edições (1)

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Harrow the Ninth


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Resenhas para Harrow the Ninth (22)

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on 31/12/20

meu cérebro tá completamente frito i love it ! sla mano a tamsyn q se vire aí pra dar um final feliz pra griddlehark no próximo livro só isso q importa... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.6 / 123
ranking 72
ranking 24
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ranking 1
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
25/08/2019 07:36:03
editou em:
01/12/2019 01:31:30

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