Hard to Handle

Hard to Handle K. Bromberg


Hard to Handle (Play Hard #1)

New York Times bestselling author K. Bromberg is back with an all new second-chance, standalone hockey romance.

At first, the request seemed simple—sign a new athlete to the agency.

Then I found out the new athlete was none other than the most wanted man in hockey today: Hunter Maddox

Gifted. Sexy. At the top of his game. And the only man who has ever broken my heart.

If signing him will help save our family business, I’ll swallow my pride and do what’s asked.

But when it becomes clear his uncharacteristic antics off the ice are a hint of something deeper, keeping things strictly professional between us becomes more than complicated. But I know better than to cross that line.

I’ll never date a client. Not even for him.
Win the Stanley Cup and do it before time runs out.

Not a small feat, but it’s what’s motivated me since the start of my career.

And time is running out.

Enter Dekker Kincade.

Feisty. Dogged. Damn gorgeous. The one I let get away.

I have no idea why she’s traveling with the team, but hell if resisting her is going to be easy.

But I have a job to do, and I refuse to lose sight of that end game. Even if she confuses me. Even if she sees parts of me I’ve hidden from the world.

I can’t lose focus. Not even for her.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Hard to Handle


(5) ver mais
Hard to Hold
Hard to Score
Hard to Lose
Hard To Love

Resenhas para Hard to Handle (19)

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on 17/11/20

#DicadeLeitura      Hard to Handle - Play Hard #1 - K. Bromberg            K. Bromberg é a minha autora preferida e mais uma vez ela não decepciona, que livro lindo e perfeito ela entregou em Hard to Handle,  aqui ainda temos dois dos meus temas preferidos, segundas chances e atletas.              Hunter aos 32 anos é um dos melhores jogadores de hóquei da NHL, está muito perto de conseguir de tão sonhada taça Stanley Cup, mas seu temperamento atualmente anda incomodando aos s... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 141
ranking 38
ranking 39
ranking 21
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ranking 1



cadastrou em:
28/06/2020 18:52:03
editou em:
11/03/2022 21:22:12

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