Glow of the Everflame

Glow of the Everflame Penn Cole


Glow of the Everflame (Kindred's Curse #2)

An unexpected gift offers the power to change everything. Keeping it could cost Diem her life.

The threat of war has arrived at Diem’s doorstep, along with a new discovery that could save her people. To use it, she must survive the next thirty days by forming a devil’s bargain with the people she hates most: the royal family of House Corbois.

But as she dives into the world of the Descended elite, Diem quickly realizes good and evil aren’t as simple as they seem. Old prejudices are challenged, and new loyalties blur the line between friend and foe.

Meanwhile, her mother is still missing, and the secrets she left behind can no longer be ignored—and neither can the Guardians and their demands. Caught between an old flame and a sizzling new spark, Diem must confront the truth about who she is and what she wants before time runs out.

War is coming, and dangerous enemies wait on all sides.. but the most deadly battle Diem faces may be the one for her heart.

Glow of the Everflame is the second book in The Kindred's Curse Saga, a four-book epic fantasy romance series that follows our fiesty, bad*ss heroine Diem Bellator in her fight against injustice and oppression, her struggle to survive in a royal palace full of betrayal and intrigue, and her journey of self-discovery and finding true love. This slow burn, enemies-to-lovers series is perfect for fans of unique magic systems, dragons and other mythical creatures, angst and romantic tension, and hilarious banter. This book will appeal to fans of plot-heavy, character-driven romantasy such as A Court of Thorns and Roses, Throne of Glass, From Blood and Ash, Gild, Shadow & Bone, and The Serpent & the Wings of Night.

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Glow of the Everflame


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Ótimo, mas com personagem burra. @paginasdagio
2 weeks, 2 days ago

? No mesmo dia que terminei o 1° livro, eu já comecei a ler o segundo e em 3 dias li 632 páginas de tanto que estou gostando da série. ? Começamos exatamente onde o primeiro termina, e vamos seguindo o desespero da Diem com as descobertas que ela faz e a mudança drástica de vida que terá que enfrentar. ? Uma coisa que gostei muito nesse livro foram os novos personagens, até mesmo os novos vilões eu gostei de ler. A amizade que a Diem consegue fazer no palácio é muito bonita e devo di... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
08/10/2023 15:57:13
editou em:
08/10/2023 15:58:00

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