Glimpse of Death

Glimpse of Death Leslie Wolfe


Glimpse of Death

Her beautiful face, serene and immobile, resting on her folded arm. Her long, luscious hair, undulating gently in the evening breeze. Her eyes half-closed, and a hint of a smile on her pale lips, as if to welcome an unseen lover. When the body of a young woman is found in her own back yard, a week after her disappearance, evidence leads investigators to a chilling conclusion. She is not the first victim of the serial killer no one knew existed. She most definitely isn't the last.FBI Special Agent Tess Winnett joins the detectives assigned to the case and searches for answers in the intriguing case that offers a plethora of forensic evidence, yet no viable leads. When another body is found, the search intensifies, and details into the killer's unusual signature emerge. He likes to stalk his victims before abducting them. He likes to show them a flash of what's coming, a foreboding warning of their grim future. At first, she caught a glimpse of a man, standing in the shadows, watching her. She thought she saw his eyes, and the sight of them chilled her to the bone. She saw his hands, and they were the hands of a killer. She caught a Glimpse Of Death. Join the smart and relentless FBI Agent Tess Winnett and her team on a heart-stopping hunt for a serial killer who takes lives mercilessly, preying on young, unsuspecting mothers. She will stop at nothing to catch the killer before he takes another innocent life. Resourceful, creative, and uncompromising, Tess will take readers on a memorable, white-knuckled journey in this masterful, gripping serial killer thriller.

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