
Gleam Raven Kennedy


Gleam (The Plated Prisoner #3)

Book 3 of this adult fantasy series continues in this epic story inspired by the myth of King Midas, fae, fated romance, and insurmountable greed.

"I don't choose him. Not anymore. I'm choosing me."

King Midas made me the woman I am today. Notorious. Unattainable. His.

The thing about being confined is that you believe it’s to keep the bad out. ...Until you realize it’s about keeping you in.

I’m now in a strange kingdom surrounded by liars, with no allies of my own, but I won’t sit idly by and let myself wither. No, there’s something that’s bloomed from the pit of my repression. Something dark. Something angry.

But the last thing I expected was for my anger to call out to him. King Ravinger.

He’s sinister and powerful and entirely too seductive. I’ve learned my lesson with trusting manipulative kings, so why does my chest constrict every time he’s near? I need to tread carefully, or I’m at risk of losing much more than just my freedom.

Regret and revenge war inside of me, and I need to figure out a plan fast before I get tangled up in the schemes of kings and queens.

Because I won’t be caught in a cage again. No, this time, it’ll be me setting the trap.
…I just hope my heart comes out of this unscathed.

Please note: This is an adult fantasy series with dark elements that may be triggering, including Stockholm Syndrome and emotional manipulation, as well as explicit romance scenes. Read at your own discretion

Edições (1)

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Resenhas para Gleam (37)

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E a saga continua muito boa...
on 14/6/23

Terceiro livro e as coisas só melhoram...E MUITO!!! Aqui temos o relacionamento entre a Auren e o Midas, e também da Auren e do Rip (ou seria...??), ambos com questões muito delicadas, e completos opostos um do outro. Revelações é claro, não podem falar, e esse livro tem muitas delas. Uma das coisas que mais gostei sobre ele, é ver a Auren finalmente perceber a verdade sobre o Midas, e também começar a entender mais sobre si mesma, aceitar mais a si mesma!! Aqui, nós vemos mais sobr... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.5 / 148
ranking 68
ranking 25
ranking 5
ranking 3
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cadastrou em:
04/01/2022 15:09:51
editou em:
04/01/2022 15:10:26

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