girl, isolated: poems, notes on healing, etc.

girl, isolated: poems, notes on healing, etc. Trista Mateer


girl, isolated: poems, notes on healing, etc.

A poignant portrait of mental health struggles set against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, Trista Mateer's newest compilation of poetry and art crafted in quarantine hits almost too close to home. Mateer expertly pulls her feelings apart on the page over the course of a year and invites an audience to watch as she puts everything back together. girl, isolated as a collection is similar in its intent and theme to poetry books like When the World Didn't End by Caroline Kaufman and Where Hope Comes From by Nikita Gill.

"I am writing to you now because I am having a hell of a time / because I don't know what else to do / because the words are kindling / and the poem is a little fire holding back the dark."

Sometimes speaking to ex-lovers, sometimes speaking to herself, and sometimes speaking quite directly to the reader, the poems in girl, isolated offer the accessibility and comfort of a conversation between friends. A little over-sharing. A little pick-me-up. A little call-for-help. This collection is sure to resonate with anyone who's struggled with grief, anxiety, or depression. This collection includes: short poems, long poems, truisms, doodles, mixed media art, script pieces, notes, thoughts, and an interactive journal section as well.

LGBT / GLS / Poemas, poesias

Edições (1)

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girl, isolated: poems, notes on healing, etc.


Resenhas para girl, isolated: poems, notes on healing, etc. (3)

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girl, isolated
on 14/1/22

eu não sou uma grande fã de poesia, mas eu estou feliz que achei esse livro! ele me deixou triste (de uma boa maneira) e me fez perceber que outras pessoas também estão sentindo o que eu sinto, eu não estou sozinha. eu consegui me enxergar no que a autora escreveu, eu me vi lá escondida nas entrelinhas. o fato de ela quotar as minhas duas cantoras favoritas (taylor e phoebe) também foi muito importante para mim.... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 11
ranking 64
ranking 9
ranking 18
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ranking 9



cadastrou em:
10/09/2021 23:00:02
editou em:
10/09/2021 23:02:47

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