Gashmu Saith It

Gashmu Saith It Douglas Wilson


Gashmu Saith It

How to build Christian Communities that Save the World

When Nehemiah was leading the Jews in their project of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, the enemies of Israel mocked them and said, “It is reported among the heathen, and Gashmu saith it, that thou and the Jews think to rebel: for which cause thou buildest the wall, that thou mayest be their king, according to these words” (Neh. 6:6).

Today we see a culture that is increasingly hostile to Christians, and Christians are increasingly aware that they need to form strong communities to do for them what the culture no longer can. This is a good thing, but it will only work if like Nehemiah and his men we are committed to resisting the dictates of our culture. If we are at all afraid of looking like the crazy fundamentalists that our culture loves to hate, then our communities will be as easily led by the culture as anybody else.

In this short book, Pastor Douglas Wilson describes some of the most important ways to create and maintain counter-cultural Christian communities. Whether he is talking about the need for kids to get calluses or for love and loyalty within churches, Douglas Wilson brings decades of on-the-ground wisdom and experience to the topic.

A city without walls is not really a city; neither is a city without a church at the center. Get busy. Build the walls, fight sin, love your family and church, and live out the Gospel.

Não-ficção / Religião e Espiritualidade

Edições (1)

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Gashmu Saith It


Resenhas para Gashmu Saith It (1)

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Gashmu saith it, Douglas Wilson
on 6/2/22

Gostei do livro. Apesar de várias vezes ter que reler alguns parágrafos para verificar se entendi direito, o Douglas Wilson tem argumentos interessantes. Ainda que não se aprofunde neles. Ri várias vezes com algumas de suas coloções. O livro propõe discussões bem interessantes.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
03/02/2022 23:48:25
editou em:
03/02/2022 23:48:50

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