Forgotten Places

Forgotten Places Nick Lloyd


Forgotten Places

This is a guide to Barcelona in the Spanish Civil War, beginning in the 19th century with the conditions and movements which led to the social revolution of 1936, and ending with the fall of the city on 26 January 1939 when Franco's tanks drove down the Diagonal and set about destroying everything the Republic and the revolutionaries had built. Stories from the aftermath of the war, the exile and the Franco regime are also included. In addition with dealing with the more obvious issues such as anarchism, the Spanish Republic, Catalonia, George Orwell, the aerial bombing, and the May Days, etc, the book also looks at themes such as the People's Olympiad, the American Sixth Fleet in the city, Barca, urbanism, Nazis in Barcelona, Robert Capa, the Spanish in the Holocaust, poster art... Intertwined in the text are contemporary quotes and a few personal accounts of people who experienced the war or its aftermath. There are also biographies of figures such as Salvador Segui, Ramon Mercader, Andreu Nin, Francesc Boix and Lluis Companys. The book is divided into two main sections: a history of the war from the perspective of Barcelona, followed by a guide to related sites which have often been included as an excuse to tell stories or illustrate wider issues. The book ends with an extensive glossary. Nick Lloyd has been running Spanish Civil War tours in Barcelona since 2009. REVIEWS: The Volunteer: Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) "This is a wonderful hybrid of a book. The text tells much about Barcelona and the Spanish Civil War and much else mostly about the radical history of the city. But its other purpose is to be a companion while one is in Barcelona itself to provide information and illumination about the city's terrible, dramatic, and heroic Civil War history." Military History Book Review "Nick Lloyd has produced a brilliant account of a fascinating city and an even more fascinating period of political and social upheaval"

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