Fire Season

Fire Season David Weber...


Fire Season

Publishers Weekly bestseller in hardcover. First Time in Paperback. A Beautiful Friendship. New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal and international bestselling phenomenon David Weber delivers the second entry in an original young adult science fiction adventure series. Young forest ranger Stephanie Harrington and her treecat companion Climbs Quickly battle natural forest fires and very human enemies on a pioneer planet. Prequel to the Honor Harrington adult science fiction saga. Second entry in a new young adult series by New York Times best seller David Weber, and the prequel to the hugely popular Honor Harrington adult science fiction saga. Fire in the forestand a cry for help from a trapped and desperate alien mother! Unfortunately, this is one cry no human can hear. Stephanie Harrington, teenage Provisional Forest Ranger on the planet Sphinx, knows something is wrong from the uneasy emotion that is flooding into her from her treecat friend, Climbs Quickly. But though Stephanies alien comrade shares a tight bond with his two-legs, whom he knows as Death Fangs Bane, he cannot communicate directly to her the anguished call from one of his people. Still, their strong and direct bond of feeling may be enough. Stephanie and fellow ranger Karl Zivonik respond to Climbs Quicklys rising waves of distress. Fire season on the pioneer world of Sphinx has begun. But there are those who want to use the natural cycle of the planet for personal gain and to get rid of the one obstacle that stands in the way of acquiring even greater land and power on Spinx: the native treecats. Now its up to Stephanie, Climbs Quickly along with their friends, family, and allies to prevent disaster and injustice from befalling a treecat clan. But in the process Stephanie must be certain to preserve the greatest secret all. It is the knowledge that the treecats of Sphinx are not merely pets or servants, but are highly intelligent in their own rightthat they are a species fully deserving of rights, respect, and freedom. And keeping the secret that will allow the treecats time to develop a mutually beneficial relationship with humankind. It all begins with the friendship of a girl and her treecat. About Fire Season: I loved it. A thrilling, edge-of-the-seat readI couldn't put it down! Tamora Pierce, author of New York Times best-selling Beka Cooper series About series debut novel, A Beautiful Friendship: [A] stellar introduction to a new YA science-fiction series set in the Honorverse of Webers popular adult novels. Its rare to find teen science fiction that strays beyond popular dystopian fare. The environmental messages, human-animal friendship, humor, action, and inventive technology will make this series starter an easy hit with teen sf readers. Booklist About David Weber and the Honor Harrington series: . . .Everything you could want in a heroineplenty of action.Science Fiction Age Brilliant! Brilliant! Brilliant!Anne McCaffrey Compelling combat combined with engaging characters for a great space opera adventure.Locus Weber combines realistic, engaging characters with intelligent technological projection. Fans of this venerable space opera will rejoice.Publishers Weekly Comprehensive Teacher's Guide available.

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