Fighting Words

Fighting Words R.S. Grey


Fighting Words

Hate turns to heat when a literary grump meets his deadline savior.

My assignment is simple: trek to a remote English cottage and convince Nathaniel Foster to let me work with him.

Too bad he’s a complete and utter jerk.

Who slams the door in a poor stranger’s face, leaving them shivering out in the snow?! So much for a warm welcome.

Nathaniel is God’s gift to readers everywhere. My publisher is desperate for his next book, which in turn makes me desperate to help him complete it. So what if he doesn’t want to play nice? I have no choice but to live and work with him in this snow-covered cottage, suffering under his piercing blue stare until it feels like I might combust.

Our heated exchanges by day give way to torturous tension at night. I can’t clock out from his all-consuming presence. I can’t escape my unwanted feelings. When one of our arguments nearly ends in an angry kiss, I worry the writing is on the wall.

But I can do this. I can clench my teeth, ball my fists, and focus on this damn book. If I can just keep the fiction and fantasy between the pages and not between the sheets, I’ll be the hero of the publishing world.

So pick up your pen, Nathaniel—and please, please, stop looking at me like that.

Chick-lit / Ficção / Romance

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Fighting Words


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Thanks the author for this arc! Happy bookday, @authorrsgrey Summer só tem uma missão quando bate à porta de uma isolada cabana no interior da Inglaterra: ajudar o autor Nataniel Foster a escrever o último livro da série de maior sucesso da editora que trabalha. Seria fácil se Nate não a tirasse do sério e estivesse disposto a não aceitar sua ajuda. Fighting Words é slow burn divertido, com uma escrita fluída que envolve o leitor desde o início. Summer é uma personagem divertida,... leia mais


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Luiza Helena (@balaiodebabados)
cadastrou em:
14/02/2024 15:24:50
Luiza Helena (@balaiodebabados)
editou em:
14/02/2024 15:25:47

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