Fifty Shades Freed

Fifty Shades Freed E.L. James


Fifty Shades Freed

The Fifty Shades Trilogy - Book 3

When unworldly student Anastasia Steele first encountered the driven and dazzling young entrepreneur Christian Grey it sparked a sensual affair that changed both of their lives irrevocably. Shocked, intrigued, and, ultimately, repelled by Christian's singular erotic tastes, Ana demands a deeper commitment. Determined to keep her, Christian agrees. Now, Ana and Christian have it all—love, passion, intimacy, wealth, and a world of possibilities for their future. But Ana knows that loving her Fifty Shades will not be easy, and that being together will pose challenges that neither of them would anticipate. Ana must somehow learn to share Christian's opulent lifestyle without sacrificing her own identity. And Christian must overcome his compulsion to control as he wrestles with the demons of a tormented past. Just when it seems that their strength together will eclipse any obstacle, misfortune, malice, and fate conspire to make Ana's deepest fears turn to reality.

Erótico / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (7)

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Fifty Shades Freed (Movie Tie-In)
Fifty Shades Freed
Fifty Shades Freed
Fifty Shades Freed


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Resenhas para Fifty Shades Freed (34)

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Não vale a pena pagar, muito menos reler.
on 16/9/12

O livro não é totalmente ruim, mas está longe de ser bom. Pulei algumas partes e as vezes senti q estava correndo pra terminar de ler logo pra poder partir para um livro novo. Não é totalmente ruim pq consegui terminar de ler, não precisei abandonar,o q me deixa frustada. Acho q o que me motivou a ler até o fim era pq eu achava q uma hora haveria uma mudança, algo novo,surpreendente, mas a surpresa era q no final eu me lembrei da saga crepúsculo, com a versão do Christian dos primeiro... leia mais


Avaliações 3.6 / 911
ranking 36
ranking 23
ranking 17
ranking 14
ranking 10



cadastrou em:
10/05/2012 00:04:49

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