Feral Nation Series

Feral Nation Series Scott B Williams


Feral Nation Series

Former Navy SEAL and security contractor Eric Branson returns home from fighting overseas to find his country in lawless turmoil. Eric isn't here to get involved though. His mission is strictly personal: Find his only daughter and get her out. But is he already too late? Read the action-packed first three books in the Feral Nation Series right here in one collection: Infiltration, Insurrection and Tribulation Book 1: INFILTRATION Coordinated terror attacks; protests and riots cripple the economy and disrupt travel and communication... In a near future, post-apocalyptic America, civil unrest and insurrection spreads as battles between dissident factions turn cities and towns into war zones. Professional security contractor and former Navy SEAL, Eric Branson, has been away fighting ongoing insurgencies in Europe when he realizes his own country faces the same fate. But before he can make his way back home to Florida, a catastrophic hurricane deals the final blow to an infrastructure already ravaged by riots and terror, leaving survivors cut off and on their own. Amid the death and destruction in the aftermath, Eric begins his most dangerous mission yet, searching for the family he left behind. Eric didn't come here to fight another war, but he's prepared for anything he might encounter as he quietly makes his way into south Florida. Book 2: INSURRECTION Survival amid lawlessness and chaos... Danger lurks at every turn in a nation ravaged by violent insurrection and economic collapse. Eric Branson's mission when he returned to Florida from overseas was to find his daughter and get her out. But the former Navy SEAL and private contractor learns from his ex-wife that Megan is nearly 2000 miles away in Colorado. To get there, he must first sail across the Gulf to Louisiana, where his brother Keith is a deputy sheriff. Eric and a crew that includes his father and his former wife, as well as the young survivor that tried to rob him upon arrival, face a battle for their lives at sea. And over the horizon lies an uncertain landfall on a coast that may be as bad or worse than what they left behind in south Florida. Eric needs his brother's help, but will he find Keith still alive and patrolling his Atchafalaya River jurisdiction? Book 3: TRIBULATION When nothing is easy... Deception, trickery and ambush threaten to derail Eric Branson's plans shortly after his arrival in south Louisiana. Eric soon learns that the sheriff's department Keith works for has been decimated by riots and terror attacks. The infrastructure here has also been severely crippled by the same hurricane that devastated south Florida, leaving the survivors hungry and desperate in a world where law and order is impossible to enforce. For Eric, reaching Louisiana is just another step in a difficult quest that will take him overland to the Colorado Rockies in search of his daughter. And getting there will take everything he's learned in a decade and a half of fighting wars all over the world. Will the new plan he puts together with his brother's help work?

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