
Feral Alessandra Hazard


Feral (The Wrong Alpha #2)

Sometimes kissing the Beast doesn't turn it into Prince Charming—instead, he's a charming prince you want to punch...

Jules is an ordinary nineteen-year-old omega from a perfectly respectable family. He’s not the most beautiful, or the smartest, or the strongest of the four Blake siblings. And he’s fine with it, really. He isn’t ugly or anything, but by omega standards, he’s nothing special. “Nothing special” describes Jules’s whole life. It’s utterly boring.

So when strange things start happening in their house, it piques Jules’s curiosity. There’s a beast in the Blake family mansion; Jules is sure of it. He sometimes hears growls and screams coming from the basement, and the men guarding the door look positively terrified.

What could terrify grown alphas? Jules will have to investigate!

But his investigation comes with surprises…like the Beast’s overwhelming effect on Jules’s omega nature. It doesn’t mean anything. Of course it doesn’t. Jules is just curious; that’s all.

Curiosity can change a life, but when you’re attracted to a feral alpha whose real face you haven’t even seen…will it change for the better? What if the Beast is no Prince Charming but a cold-hearted, cynical bastard? A bastard Jules shouldn’t want—but does. A bastard Jules should stay away from—but can’t.

This novel is a steamy alpha/omega enemies-to-lovers MM romance with a happily ever after. While mpreg exists in this world, it is only mentioned and does not appear on-page. This book can be read on its own or as part of the series The Wrong Alpha.

Fantasia / Ficção científica / LGBT / GLS

Edições (1)

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on 16/7/21

Sinceramente essa coleção é muito boa. O primeiro livro já é incrível, mas esse aqui me pegou mais porque a relação é alfa com ômega então é algo mais natural a forma que eles se envolvem. Eu amei demais, porque são um casal compatível e eles não demoram muito a resolver as coisas. Mesmo tendo uma coisa muito importade não dita, que só vai ser revelada no epílogo, mostra que na verdade era irrelevante para os dois porque eles estavam destinados a serem um do outro sempre. Sou meio s... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
15/04/2021 14:09:35
editou em:
30/07/2022 09:25:34

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