Fear The Beard

Fear The Beard Lani Lynn Vale


Fear The Beard (The Dixie Warden Rejects MC #2)

Tally is a twenty-year-old single mother struggling to finish nursing school. Has she made mistakes in life? Sure, but her daughter isn’t one of them. She works hard, she studies even harder, and she’s only a few weeks away from graduating.
She’s living her life the best she knows how when she witnesses a near miss motorcycle accident between a car and a biker. A biker that happens to be the most talked about teacher at her college.

The moment she meets those startling blue, narrowly-escaped-death eyes, she realizes quickly that life as she knows it has changed. No longer will she be content to let life pass her by, even if it puts everything she’s worked so hard for in jeopardy.


Tommy is a highly skilled doctor. A teacher. A veteran. A fully-patched member of The Dixie Wardens MC. He’s lonely, but also set in his ways. What will it take for this man to accept that he needs to make some changes in his life? Apparently, it’ll take a guy in a truck, who’s preoccupied with his phone rather than focused on the road, nearly plowing into him on his bike at seventy miles per hour. Oh, and a twenty-something year old nursing student witnessing the entire thing from only a few feet away.

It only takes a second, a single heartbeat in time, as he looks into her worry-filled eyes to realize that he’d give anything for a single night with her. He may lose his job in the process, but after that one incredible night turns into an amazing weekend, he knows it’s worth the risk for the promise of her forever.


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Fear The Beard


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on 7/7/22

Gostei bastante! É um livro super dinâmico, várias coisas acontecendo de forma rápida e sucessiva e por isso a história não fica chata, apesar de não ser um enredo espetacular nem nada perto disso. Mas amei a forma como o Tommy amou a Tallulah desde o primeiro momento que pôs os olhos nela. Fofo demais! Porém, em alguns momentos, confesso que parecia que ele era bipolar HAHAHAHA sério, uma hora queria estar com ela e era um doce, noutra era um grosso e agressivo... juro que... leia mais


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30/12/2016 11:29:47

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