Falling Free

Falling Free Lois McMaster Bujold


Falling Free

Vorkosigan Saga Book 1

When engineer Leo Graf arrives at a free fall station circling a mining planet to teach welding, he’s in for his first shock: the genetically engineered inhabitants have an extra set of arms in place of legs. A second shock comes when the company that owns these four-armed “quaddies” decides to abandon them, and Leo must use all his ingenuity to respond to this new crisis. Winner of the Nebula Award for Best Novel, and a Hugo finalist.

"Bujold is one of the best writers of SF adventures to come along in years."
- Locus

on Lois McMaster Bujold:
“Bujold continues to prove what marvels genius can create out of basic space operatics.”
- Library Journal

“Bujold is not just a master of plot, she is a master of emotion.”
- SF Site

“A superb craftsman and stylist, Ms. Bujold is well on her way to becoming one of the great voices of speculative fiction.”
- Rave Reviews

"Boy, can she write!"
- Anne McCaffrey

“Bujold has a gift, nearly unique in science fiction, for the comedy of manners.”
- Chicago Sun Times

“Superb far-future saga.”
- Publishers Weekly on the 'Vorkosigan' series

Bujold's "work remains among the most enjoyable and rewarding in contemporary SF."
- Publishers Weekly

"Bujold is also head and shoulders above the ruck of current fantasists as well as science-fictionists."
- Booklist

author bio:
Lois McMaster Bujold was born in 1949, the daughter of an engineering professor at Ohio State University, from whom she picked up her early interest in science fiction. She now lives in Minneapolis, and has two grown children. She began writing with the aim of professional publication in 1982. She wrote three novels in three years; in October of 1985, all three sold to Baen Books, launching her career. Bujold went on to write many other books for Baen, mostly featuring her popular character Miles Naismith Vorkosigan, his family, friends, and enemies. Her books have been translated into twenty-one languages. Her fantasy from Eos includes the award-winning Chalion series and the Sharing Knife series.

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Edições (1)

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Falling Free


Resenhas para Falling Free (1)

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O primeiro livro (na escala cronológica) da Saga Vorkosigan: Uma leitura fácil e dive
on 20/5/15

Falling Free (Queda Livre) é um romance de ficção científica escrito em 1988 pela autora norte americana Lois McMaster Bujold e vencedor do Prêmio Nebula do mesmo ano. É o quarto livro da saga Vorkosigan, mas o primeiro na escala cronológica dos livros de Bujold. O próximo livro na minha lista de leitura seria The Vor Game, o vencedor de 1991, mas como esse livro é o sexto livro da saga Vorkosigan, e como nunca tinha lido nada de Bujold, achei melhor começar lendo o primeiro livro (na ... leia mais


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17/03/2015 14:18:12

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