Faking Ms. Right

Faking Ms. Right Claire Kingsley


Faking Ms. Right (Dirty Martini Running Club #1)

A Hot Romantic Comedy

“When I kissed you last night, I wasn’t pretending.”

Everly Dalton is a walking, talking, martini-drinking dating disaster. Forget kissing frogs. She can’t even get past the first date. But at work, she’s a badass—the longest-running assistant billionaire Shepherd Calloway has ever had. Her coworkers wonder how she handles the big bad wolf—and never gets bit.

Shepherd Calloway isn’t interested in being anyone’s sugar daddy. Tired of women who only want him for his money, he swears off dating, determined to focus on running his empire. Until his gold-digging ex hits him where it hurts, putting him in a difficult position.

His solution—to have Everly pose as his live-in girlfriend—is obviously crazy. But the timing is uncanny. It just so happens Everly needs a favor from her boss—a big and awkward one—and this could ensure everyone gets what they want.

Besides, Everly can totally survive a few months of faux romance.

Except there’s a problem. Shepherd is supposed to be a single-minded, unemotional robot boss. Not an actual human with a heart and morning wood. Between the awkward bed-sharing and tingly fake dates, lines are blurring. And as Everly gets to know the real Shepherd, she discovers there’s more to the man behind the bank account.

And faking it gets all too real.

Faking Ms. Right is a hot, STAND-ALONE romantic comedy.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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Faking Ms. Right


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Faking ms. right
on 18/4/23

"You're a little bit crazy, Shepherd Calloway." "You bring out the best in me." clichê amorzinho de sessão da tarde (no melhor sentido possível); foi uma leitura rápida e divertida, me lembrou um pouco the hating game (apesar de esse casal de enemies não ter absolutamente nada) a relação deles é muito fofa e eles dois são muito legais, adorei!... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.7 / 81
ranking 21
ranking 48
ranking 23
ranking 6
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
24/06/2019 11:42:29
editou em:
28/05/2023 10:19:44

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