Eloise and the Grump Next Door

Eloise and the Grump Next Door Emma St. Clair...


Eloise and the Grump Next Door (Oakley Island Romcoms #1)

A Sweet Romantic Comedy

I’m not sure which is worse--the lawyer handling my grandmother’s estate or the attack pelican living on the screened-in porch. Just kidding--I’ll take the pelican any day.

After graduation, I thought I’d be off to grad school, doing research on my favorite poet. Instead, I’m renovating my late grandmother’s home and posting about the process on Instagram. Talk about a detour …

But here I am. Turning Gran’s beach house into a bed and breakfast--a process that would be a lot easier if I didn’t have to deal with the grumpy lawyer living next door. It doesn’t help that the night Jake and I met, I got a little tipsy, and he had to carry me back to my hotel.

But the longer I stay on Oakley Island, the more I feel a connection to my childhood and to my grandmother. This isn’t the life I dreamed of, but dreams can change. Especially when new dreams include a future with Jake. On the outside, he might be pricklier than a puffer fish, but I catch glimpses of a delicious, cinnamon roll center.

Did I mention the tattoos he hides underneath those crisp button-down shirts? Yowza.

When I’m suddenly presented with the academic opportunity of my dreams (former dreams?), my picturesque life on Oakley starts to unravel.

A part of me wants to stay. If only a certain tattooed grump didn’t seem so determined to send me away …

Eloise and The Grump Next Door is a grumpy sunshine, closed door romantic comedy. The Oakley Island Romcom series follows three very different sisters as they renovate the house they inherited and find love on the island along the way. Each book will have sizzling chemistry but no spice.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Eloise and the Grump Next Door


Resenhas para Eloise and the Grump Next Door (4)

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Casal leitor+vizinhos+enemies to lovers+ história em uma ilh
on 1/3/23

Adorei esse romance, me viciou desde o começo! Eu sempre gosto de ler mais de um livro ao mesmo tempo, um livro mais difícil e outro mais leve em outra língua e essa foi a leitura escolhida da vez! Já li muitos romances e tava um pouco de saco cheio porque é sempre a mesma história, então quando vi a snopise desse livro e me interessou bastante. Não é o melhor livro do mundo, na minha opinião tinha bem mais potencial! Teve coisas super importantes que a autora poderia ter aprofundado ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
03/10/2022 17:48:12
editou em:
01/03/2023 15:38:24

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