
Dreamer's Pool Juliet Marillier


Dreamer's Pool

Blackthorn & Grim, Book 1

Award-winning author Juliet Marillier "weaves magic, mythology, and folklore into every sentence on the page" (The Book Smugglers). Now she begins an all-new and enchanting series that will transport readers to a magical vision of ancient Ireland...

In exchange for help escaping her long and wrongful imprisonment, embittered magical healer Blackthorn has vowed to set aside her bid for vengeance against the man who destroyed all that she once held dear. Followed by a former prison mate, a silent hulk of a man named Grim, she travels north to Dalriada. There she'll live on the fringe of a mysterious forest, duty bound for seven years to assist anyone who asks for her help.

Oran, crown prince of Dalriada, has waited anxiously for the arrival of his future bride, Lady Flidais. He knows her only from a portrait and sweetly poetic correspondence that have convinced him Flidais is his destined true love. But Oran discovers letters can lie. For although his intended exactly resembles her portrait, her brutality upon arrival proves she is nothing like the sensitive woman of the letters.

With the strategic marriage imminent, Oran sees no way out of his dilemma. Word has spread that Blackthorn possesses a remarkable gift for solving knotty problems, so the prince asks her for help. To save Oran from his treacherous nuptials, Blackthorn and Grim will need all their resources: courage, ingenuity, leaps of deduction, and more than a little magic.

Fantasia / Ficção

Edições (1)

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Tower of Thorns

Resenhas para Dreamer's Pool (3)

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Mágico, lindo, aterrador...

Esse livro é realmente uma pérola entre tantos outros. Que história mais incrivelmente escrita, a escolha de palavras, a construção dos personagens, a descrição dos cenários! Inacreditável, peguei esse livro sem nenhuma pretensão e recebi em troca uma rica história! Esse é o primeiro livros das aventuras de Blackthorn, uma mulher sábia, uma curandeira que também pode lidar com mágica se necessário, e seu fiel amigo e companheiro Grim! Blackthorn estava prestes a ser executada sem qualq... leia mais


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06/04/2014 21:24:08

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