Dragon Ball Complete Box Set

Dragon Ball Complete Box Set Akira Toriyama


Dragon Ball Complete Box Set

Goku and friends battle intergalactic evil in the greatest action-adventure-fantasy-comedy-fighting series ever!
The Dragon Ball Complete Box Set contains all 16 volumes of the original manga that kicked off the global phenomenon. Also includes an exclusive double-sided poster and collector's booklet featuring fun Dragon Ball trivia and guides as well as an interview with its legendary creator.

Legend has it that if all seven of the precious orbs called “Dragon Balls” are gathered together, an incredibly powerful dragon god will appear to grant one wish. Unfortunately, the orbs are scattered across the world, making them extremely difficult to collect. Enter 16-year-old Bulma, a scientific genius who has constructed a radar to detect the exact locations of the Dragon Balls. She's on a mission to find all seven orbs, but first she must convince young Son Goku to join her on her quest. With a monkey tail, superhuman strength and a magic staff for a weapon, Son Goku is ready to set out on the adventure of a lifetime

HQ, comics, mangá / Aventura

Edições (5)

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Dragon Ball #01
Dragon Ball Complete Box Set
Dragon Ball #01
Dragon Ball #1


(94) ver mais
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z

Resenhas para Dragon Ball Complete Box Set (96)

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Ótimo, mas calma...
on 11/2/24

Já tinha visto algumas temporadas do anime de Dragon Ball (DB mesmo, sem ser o Z) e lembrava de partes de duplo sentido, mas provavelmente devo ter visto até uma versão censurada pelo alto nível sexu*l que tem o mangá, fiquei curioso pra saber a faixa etária porque não é possível... Depois que desliguei a nostalgia de infância a leitura ficou mais agradável, mas eu não recomendaria nem de longe para uma criança ou adolescente até certa idade. Assistir as lutinhas do anime do Z super... leia mais


Avaliações 4.6 / 1.468
ranking 72
ranking 21
ranking 6
ranking 1
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
24/11/2019 17:13:30

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