Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest Nintendo Player's Guide Nintendo Power...


Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest Nintendo Player's Guide

The complete Player's Guide to Donkey Kong Country 2-straight from the pros at Nintendo Power

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest Nintendo Player's Guide - 1995

The complete Player's Guide to Donkey Kong Country 2-straight from the pros at Nintendo Power

Get the player's guide that delivers all the bananas - and more
You won't a banana's chance in a monkey cage of saving Donkey Kong from those Krooked Kremlings without this Player's Guide. Donkey Kong Country 2 is a huge land loaded with jungles,caves,mines,coral reefs,volcanos and bunches of other crazy places. Every path is riddled qith enemies and other pitfalls.

Diddy and Dixie are Donkey's only hope of freedom. This Player's Guide is your only hope of helping them. You need hot tips. You need survival tactics, enemy briefings,inside information on who the good guys are,where they hang and what they can do for you. You need maps - all of them. You need this Player's Guide. Or you'll go bananas.

Every Cranky Kong uses a Player's Guide
He won't admitit it,but every Cranky uses a Player's Guide to stay in the game. It's tough. If you don't want to get Klomped, or hit by a Kannon, or turned into mincemeat by Kutlass, or drooled on by K.Rool,you need to know how they fight,what tricks they pull, and how to beat them at their own game. Expert advice is what you want. Here's where you get in. No matter how you peel it, the Player's Guide is the only way to make it through Donkey Kong Country 2 without any slips.


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Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy


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Bruno Rivera
cadastrou em:
07/01/2024 11:26:53
Bruno Rivera
editou em:
07/01/2024 11:27:06

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