DOLL: IC In A Doll

DOLL: IC In A Doll


DOLL: IC In A Doll (Doll)

List 18: life. Haruka becomes pregnant for a married boyfriend. She loves him so much, and so she doesn't mind to have abortion when he asks her to do so. She meets a girl who's chased by some people. She insists Haruka to keep her baby. When Haruka comes back home, the girl who's staying with her is stabbed and dying. The girl was actually an illegally remodeled doll. Her mother wanted a child so badly, and got the girl doll. After that incidence, Haruka decides to break up with him and have her baby for herself. List 19: talisman. Shingo's parents adored their boy doll since they weren't able to have their own child. His mother finally got pregnant and Shingo was born. Since then, his mother felt a bit scared of the doll. She thought he was jealous of Shingo. The fact is that the doll loved Shingo very much, and didn't mind killing himself to save Shingo when he crawled over to a railroad track, and was about to be hit by a train. After the accident, Shingo's parents keep one of his body parts for the protection of Shingo. List 20: remodeller. Remodeller of dolls has a reason to be doing it through his sad childhood experience. He was a computer genius, and grew up in a rich family. His father wanted him to look after the company, SG Corporation, but his wife and other family members were so upset about it. They reprogrammed the girl doll, which was his only friend, and made her chop off his penis, so that he couldn't leave his offspring. He was expelled from his family. The most shocking thing for him was that his friend doll was scrapped. Since then, he remodels dolls as requested, so that they wouldn't be disposed by owners. List 21: feather and steel. Remodeler finishes reconstructing one female doll to work for heavy duty at a factory. The mean manager fires all other human workers to cut off the cost. Upset workers are hard on her. One day, drunken manager starts harassing her, and accidentally steps off from the building. She tries to save him, but instead, she chops off his fingers and let him die. She has no control to grab something gentle due to remodeling. List 22: grave. Kudo is working at a disposing department for 40 years in SG Corporation. He's scrapped so many dolls, and lately doesn't feel terrible to do it. He lost his parents and wife already, and isn't afraid to die anymore. On Christmas Day, his research gown accidentally gets stuck in the machine. It's a doll who saves him. He realizes what he's learned from dolls is to be thankful to be alive. List 23: Hinako. Hinako is a popular novelist, and has just won the N award. Despite her success, she suffers bulimia and is never be happy due to a terrible experience from her childhood. She was molested by her stepfather, and traumatized to be with any man. Her mother reads her book, and realizes what happened to her. Her maid doll is worried about Hinako, and tries to stop her vomiting whatever she cooks for Hinako. Hinako decides to write a book only for herself, and see how things go well to her.

HQ, comics, mangá

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DOLL: IC In A Doll



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13/02/2018 14:19:02

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