Diving Through Clouds

Diving Through Clouds Nicola Lindsay


Diving Through Clouds

Irish author Nicola Lindsay has accomplished what few writers could. She took an unlikely premise - a departed woman's spirit caught in Limbo - and created a beautiful story. Written in the first person, from the bewildered spirit-woman's perspective, Ms. Lindsay had me hooked from the first line of the first paragraph.

Kate is a fiftyish woman who dies after a long and dreadful illness. At her side when death comes is her flamboyant best friend, Veronica, and her coldly stoic husband, William. Absent from her life is Celia, a daughter who abandoned her parents' sham marriage eight years prior. Kate is definitely dead, but lingers in ghostly form to witness the lives and read the thoughts of those who loved her, as well as those who didn't.

William and Kate shared an almost totally loveless marriage for thirty years. William hasn't looked at her, REALLY looked at her as a woman, since the early years of life together. Except for a too-brief period of infidelity with the younger Milo, who adored her, Kate's life has been bereft of joy.

With the aid and guidance of her guardian angel, Thomas, Kate hovers in and about the lives of her husband, friend, daughter Celia, and grandson Matt. Over time, Kate begins to understand that before she can progress to what Thomas assures her is a wonderful new place, she must address the awful mess that was her life on earth. Kate works at tying up loose ends, gaining wisdom and insight into the lives of those closest to her.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

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Diving Through Clouds


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Resenhas para Diving Through Clouds (2)

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on 28/12/11

Foi uma boa promessa, pena que não se cumpriu. A maioria dos autores gosta de pegar temas sensacionalistas porque é fácil fazer o leitor sentir empatia pela história, pelos personagens... na minha opinião, esses deveriam ser os primeiros a irem para o paredão quando a revolução triunfasse! É óbvio agora que eu sempre caio nessas, mas essa daqui foi uma surpresa. O enredo é sobre uma mulher idosa que morre de câncer, mas termina ficando na Terra – como um anjo ou um fantasma – par... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 26
ranking 19
ranking 23
ranking 46
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cadastrou em:
10/08/2010 02:53:26
editou em:
21/03/2021 01:33:24