Diana: Her True Story

Diana: Her True Story Andrew Morton


Diana: Her True Story

Diana: Her True Story was originally published in 1992 under the guise of a quasi-authorized biography, with mostly unnamed courtiers and royalty as the accredited sources. It instantly became a sizzling, international bestseller that lanced the boil of Windsor family dysfunction, triggering a chain of events that led to Charles and Diana's divorce. After her tragic death in 1997, Andrew Morton revealed that Diana herself had not only been the main source for the book, but had also edited his original drafts for accuracy. In return for this gold mine of information, Diana wanted complete anonymity for fear of retaliation from the queen. Her True Story in Her Own Words is enhanced by more than 75 full-color photographs of the princess, from her childhood in Althorp to her marriage to Charles at Westminster Abbey to her humanitarian efforts, and finally to her unforgettable funeral service. However, the most poignant portrayal of the princess emerges from the unedited transcriptions of Diana's interviews with Morton: "I think I'm going to cut a very different path from everyone else. I'm going to break away from this setup and go and help the man on the street."

Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias

Edições (2)

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Diana: Her True Story


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Diana: Her True Story
on 15/1/24

O livro conta sobre diversos aspectos da jornada de Diana Spencer, desde a sua infância, a sua transformação em Princesa de Gales, o divórcio ao Príncipe Charles até a sua trágica morte em Paris. Diana passou por escândalos na mídia, com conversas vazadas e supostos casos amorosos, o mais famoso sendo Dodi Fayed, que faleceu no mesmo acidente. Escrito por meio de entrevistas dadas secretamente pela princesa durante o ano de 1991, as páginas revelam as dificuldades enfrentadas durante... leia mais


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24/11/2016 13:15:41

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