Deliver Me

Deliver Me Ashley Hawthorne


Deliver Me

She's a pastor’s daughter. He's a convicted killer. Forever may be out of reach when she falls in love with one of the dangerous ones.

Faith is more than just a word to Mia Anderson. It's the foundation of her life as a pastor’s daughter. At home in her church and at peace with her beliefs, she decides to participate in a program to send letters to inmates regardless of what sins they may have committed.

Gabriel Myers is a convicted criminal, serving life in prison for his father’s murder. Facing a hopeless future and haunted by a past that has left him full of contempt for God and the church, he wants nothing to do with Mia until she proves she can understand the man everyone believes is a monster.

With each letter that's exchanged, Mia becomes more aware that although Gabriel has never has never denied his crime, there is more to the story than the jury was allowed to hear. As reluctant friendship turns to seemingly ill-fated love, she knows she must convince him to appeal the verdict.

Dealing with the Texas justice system is a long shot, but the only chance they have to finally be together outside the walls of Gabriel's prison. Winning his freedom will give them a chance at happiness but can they finally find bliss in each other's arms or will the challenges they face and their divergent beliefs destroy their love for good?

Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério

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Deliver Me


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Uma troca de cartas que mudou tudo
on 5/4/24

A Mia é uma mulher crente e devota que foi adotada depois de uma infância de maus tratos por um pastor e sua amavel e querida esposa. Ao contrário dos crentes comuns, essa aqui é boa mesmo, e a sua família também. A sua igreja decide criar um programa de troca de cartas com detentos que estão em perpétua e a carta dela chega a Gabriel. Gabriel é um homem sem esperança que aceitou o seu destido e que a sua vida não pertence mais a ele, mas sim ao estado. Ele cometeu um assassinato... leia mais


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Avaliações 5.0 / 1
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cadastrou em:
26/03/2024 14:13:39
editou em:
26/03/2024 14:13:53

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