Delicate Condition

Delicate Condition Danielle Valentine


Delicate Condition

The Push meets The Silent Patient in a gripping thriller that follows a woman convinced a sinister figure is going to great lengths to make sure her pregnancy never happens—while the men in her life refuse to believe a word she says.

Anna Alcott is desperate to be pregnant. But as she tries to balance her increasingly public life with a grueling IVF journey, she starts to suspect that someone is going to great lengths to make sure her pregnancy never happens. Crucial medicines are lost. Appointments get swapped without her knowledge. And even when she finally manages to get pregnant, not even her husband is willing to believe that someone's playing a twisted game with her.

When the increasingly cryptic threats drive her out of her Brooklyn brownstone and into hiding in the cold, gray ghost town that is the Hamptons in the depths of winter, Anna is almost at the end of her rope.

Then her doctor tells her she's had a miscarriage—except Anna's convinced she's still pregnant, despite everything the grave-faced men around her claim. Could it be that her mind is playing tricks on her? Or is something more sinister at play? As her symptoms become ever more horrifying and the sense of danger ever more present, Anna can't help but wonder what exactly she's carrying inside of her...and why no one will listen when she says something is horribly, painfully wrong.

Ficção / Horror / Suspense e Mistério / Terror

Edições (2)

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Delicate Condition
Delicate Condition


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Thriller/ suspense psicológico perfeito
on 26/10/23

Nunca tinha lido um livro desses gêneros (pq os q eu comecei abandonei ?) mas resolvi dar uma chance quando descobri que ele foi a inspiração da nova temporada de ahs ! e ainda bem que eu dei uma chance, que livro perfeito sério, me prendeu demais e eu realmente consegui entrar na história. ele tem a medida certa de gore e suspense, fora as críticas sobre como as mulheres são tratadas na gravidez e uma escrita que flui demais. enfim amei e quero muito ler mais livros desses gêneros ?... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 34
ranking 47
ranking 35
ranking 15
ranking 3
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
24/06/2023 11:11:38
editou em:
24/06/2023 11:13:42

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