Deception and Chaos

Deception and Chaos S.M. Soto


Deception and Chaos (Chaos #1)

Sophia Cova lived a quiet, normal life, shadowed in sadness after the loss of her parents in a tragic airline accident. With her older brother being her only living relative and her anchor, Sophia is sure she's destined for a brighter future. But that was until she was taken.

Stolen from her mundane, orderly life, she was drugged, and woke to every woman's worst nightmare.

With only four grimy basement walls and a rancid mattress, she loses her sense of time, and preserves what's left of her dignity by hurtling herself into the safety of her mind. The men, the beatings, they come and go with no reaction, until she hears one word that sends an arctic chill through her body. Sold.

On the eve of Sophia's bidding, all hell breaks loose in the mansion of horrors. Gunfire and screams erupt all around her, as panic rises.

Snatched by one monster only to be taken by another, Sophia slowly starts to learn that not everything is as it seems. When secrets unravel, and the twisted game of cat and mouse ensues, The Puppeteer pulls his favorite strings and chaos brews. Lives are lost while the clock ticks, and only time will tell who will be killed next...

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Deception and Chaos


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Só dei 4 estrelas por causa do final, se não daria apenas 3. E que final minha gente!
on 30/6/20

Eu amo livros de romance dark, e depois que vi um perfil mexicano do instagram e vários comentários de quão bom era essa triologia eu resolvi da uma chance e comecei a ler na hora. O começo do livro foi super pesado mas bem rápido e bom, mas conforme fui lendo percebi que a autora desenvolveu os personagens muito rápido, gosto de livros bem detalhados e com diálogos profundos e bem desenvolvidos o que foi algo que senti falta nesse livro e espero ver mais no segundo. Outra coisa que me... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 62
ranking 23
ranking 40
ranking 26
ranking 8
ranking 3



cadastrou em:
20/02/2019 22:46:48

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