Debt of Bones

Debt of Bones Terry Goodkind


Debt of Bones

Sword of Truth

Debt of Bones is a novella by Terry Goodkind. It was first published in the 1998 anthology Legends then later published as a stand alone book in hardcover in 2001 and in paperback in 2004.
During the war against D'Hara, a young woman meets with Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander, Wizard of the First Order and First Wizard.
Much later in the plot, Wizard Zorander, during a coup attempt from the D'Haran Empire, summoned a massive ball of wizard's fire while invoking a spell of threes. With one of the three wishes the spell effectively grants, he gained the knowledge to summon barriers, barriers wrought from the underworld that split the Midlands, D'Hara, and Westland. With the next invocation, he split the Midlands and Westland with his subtractive-magic barriers. While still summoning his blast of wizard's fire, he used the final invocation to create a barrier between the Midlands and D'hara. As the barrier went up, he released his wizard's fire, which screamed towards the palace where Panis Rahl and his young son, Darken, lived. The wizard's fire grazed the underworld barrier and gained its properties, slicing through Panis Rahl's mighty defenses. Panis Rahl perished and his son almost died, permanently scarred—and vengeful.


Edições (2)

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Debt of Bones
Debt of Bones


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Divida de Ossos
on 18/4/10

Uma leitura rapida que traz informações sobre o começo da história de Zedd, seu casamento, sua filha e sua ações como Primeiro Mago. Abby vai cobrar um divida de ossos a Zedd, o "Vento da Morte". E anseia que a divida seja paga. "Abby não poderia implorar pela vida da sua família ao custo de permitir que tais pessoas ficassem livres pela terra. O seu coração machucado não permitiria isso. Como ela poderia sacrificar as vidas e a paz de todos os outros só para que as pessoas que ela a... leia mais


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