Death Note #2

Death Note #2 Tsugumi Ohba...


Death Note #2

Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects - and he's bored out of his mind. But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami death god. Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies, and now Light has vowed to use the power of the Death Note to rid the world of evil. But when criminals begin dropping dead, the authorities send the legendary detective L to track down the killer. With L hot on his heels, will Light lose sight of his noble goal...or his life? Light thinks he's put an end to his troubles with the FBI - by using the Death Note to kill off the FBI agents working the case in Japan! But one of the agents has a fiancee who used to work in the Bureau, and now she's uncovered information that could lead to Light's capture. To make matters worse, L has emerged from the shadows to work directly with the task force headed by Light's father. With people pursuing him from every direction, will Light get caught in the conflux?

Suspense e Mistério / Drama / Ficção / HQ, comics, mangá / Literatura Estrangeira / Terror

Edições (3)

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Death Note Black Edition #2
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Resenhas para Death Note #2 (6)

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? ?
on 23/1/24

Misa e Rem são personagens tão legais. Pena que sejam tão menosprezadas. Gostaria de ver mais delas. Obs: Rem é ela? Acho que nunca notei isso assistindo ao anime anos atrás. Mas no mangá aparece explicitamente o pronome. Esse segundo volume foi mais caótico que o anterior. Teve diálogos e pensamentos mais longos, o que acabou sendo um pouco cansativo. Mas continua sendo uma história e tanto! Partiu volume III.... leia mais


Avaliações 4.5 / 147
ranking 67
ranking 26
ranking 7
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cadastrou em:
30/12/2012 20:40:37

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