Date Me Like You Mean It

Date Me Like You Mean It R.S. Grey


Date Me Like You Mean It

I’m good at hiding my feelings.
Having to pretend I’m not in love with my best friend?
Pfft. That’s child’s play.

Here’s how I do it: I avert my eyes when he walks out of his room, shirtless in all his toned glory. I squash the butterflies that fill my stomach every time he slowly unfurls a dimpled smile. And, most importantly, I keep an arsenal of “personal massagers” in my bedside drawer. Wink.

Not to brag, but Aiden Smith isn’t hard to resist if you’ve been doing it for as long as I have. In fact, we might have continued as best friends forever if not for the fact that I needed him to play the part of my fake boyfriend.

Date me like you mean it, I told him. Nudge nudge. C’mon, just go along with a little lie, help a girl out, and then we can all return to life as we know it.

Except he veered from the plan.
He crossed the line.

Flirting with me when no one else was around? Pinning me down and kissing me like that? Okay, how exactly is taking off my bra part of the ruse, Aiden?!

I’d ask him about it if I could, but well…things got ugly and we’re not best friends anymore.
In fact, we’re the exact opposite.

Now, I have to play nice even though I want to crush his heart in the palm of my hand.

Pretending not to love Aiden was the easy part.
Pretending not to hate him?
Well…I might need a little more practice.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Date Me Like You Mean It


Resenhas para Date Me Like You Mean It (57)

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date me like you mean it
on 2/9/21

esse livro me frustrou muito, tinha tudo pra ser uma comédia romântica muito boa, mas foi chato e ruim. primeiro, os personagens são chatos e podres. odiei os dois. são dois ciumentos malucos, chatos que não conversam, burros e enrolados demais. segundo, a personagem principal me fez querer jogar esse livro na parede ou entrar nele e estrangular essa chata até a morte. terceiro, esse ciúmes foi tão psicótico que beirou a série ?YOU? horrível e enrolado. a garota tinha claramente depe... leia mais


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01/11/2020 14:22:56
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