Dark Temptation

Dark Temptation J.L. Hein


Dark Temptation

Underworld Temptation #1

What would you be capable of doing if the one you loved is put in danger? Read this captivating tale of a romance that is on the edge of non-existence.

What if the only life that you knew disappears right in front of your eyes? Cynthia experiences a memory loss as she meanders through the forests of Mount Olympus. She is confronted with a man whom she barely knows anymore and a mysterious sister by her side. Could life get any more confusing? Trying to dodge the dangers that are before her Cynthia manages to piece small aspects of her life together again. Will the puzzle be put back together before she loses everything that she has ever known.

Hades stands by Cynthia patiently waiting for the day that she remembers their every touch. Seeking out help from a family that has practically disowned his very presence Hades does everything that he can to help restore her memory. Straying away from his one track mind Hades stops all of his schemes while staying good for his family, desperate to get his girlfriend back safe.

On the brink of madness Alexandria must face the truth. There is no greater object in life than love. Desperate to prove that Hades is not who he says he is she must learn that people can change for the ones that they love. Trying to prove her love for Hermes Alexandria must fight off the darkness to bring her visions back. With unexpected help Alexandria learns that seeing and believing are not the same thing.

What would you do for the one that you love? Read this thrilling and captivating tale by J.L. Hein and experience a new twist on the Greek gods. Enjoy the sizzle of true romance with every turn of the page. This captivating tale of a romance that is on the edge of non-existence will make your heart beat faster.

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Dark Temptation



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10/01/2014 21:22:22

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