Cupidity: The Complete Heart Hassle Series

Cupidity: The Complete Heart Hassle Series Raven Kennedy


Cupidity: The Complete Heart Hassle Series

Love. Lust. It's my job to spread it around like a virus during cold season. But guess what? Life as a cupid isn't all chocolate hearts and pink arrows. Because even though love makes the realms go round, it seems cruel that cupids don't get to have any of their own. Which might be why I sometimes go on Love strikes and get in trouble with my supervisors. I get a little cranky.

But that all changes the day I get smacked down with some fae magic and go falling through the sky, crashing heart-first into a trio of hot genfins. Now if I can just get those orgasms that everyone says are so awesome, I'll be one happy girl.

I'm cupid one thousand fifty, and no one, not even a revenge-crazy prince, is going to stop me from getting my happy ending. Wink wink.

*This collection includes all four books in the complete Heart Hassle Series. It also includes extra bonus scenes after each book, including male POVs only available in this collection!

Signs of Cupidity
Bonds of Cupidity
Crimes of Cupidity
For the Love of Cupidity

Author's Note: This is a reverse harem series intended for mature audiences only.

Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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Cupidity: The Complete Heart Hassle Series


Resenhas para Cupidity: The Complete Heart Hassle Series (1)

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on 17/10/23

Esse livro me surpreendeu bastante por conta da diferença entre esse livro e um outro livro chamado Gild que foi por onde eu conheci a autora. Começando pelos pontos positivos, eu tenho que admitir que é um livro engraçadinho, achei os personagens e o universo bem interessante, não têm um desenvolvimento lento porém eu senti que faltou urgência nos conflitos do livro, a Emelle tratava tudo de uma forma com certeza preocupada mas meio lerda ??????. Falando da Emelle, não sei quantos a... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
14/09/2021 03:53:26
editou em:
14/09/2021 03:54:10

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