Crucible #2: Spock -- The Fire and the Rose

Crucible #2: Spock -- The Fire and the Rose David R. George III


Crucible #2: Spock -- The Fire and the Rose

Star Trek: The Original Series; #132

Star Trek: The Original Series -- Crucible #2: Spock -- The Fire and the Rose (ISBN: 0743491696). The second book in a trilogy marking the 40th anniversary of Star Trek, focusing on the character of Spock.

Crucible is a trilogy of novels (Provenance of Shadows, The Fire and the Rose, The Star to Every Wandering) published by Pocket Books as part of their Original Series line. The trilogy was released in late 2006 and early 2007, marking the 40th anniversary of Star Trek. Each of the books focuses on one of the three central Original Series characters - James T. Kirk, Spock, and Leonard McCoy. The trilogy is written by David R. George III, with cover art by John Picacio.

An omnibus edition, collecting all three novels, and including newly written material, was planned to be released in May 2009, but was cancelled in December 2008. |...| [From the book jacket]: IN A SINGLE MOMENT... the lives of three men will be forever changed. In that split second, defined paradoxically by both salvation and loss, they will destroy the world and then restore it. Much has come before , and much more would come after, but nothing would color their lives more than that one, isolated incident on the edge of forever.
IN A SINGLE MOMENT... Spock, displaced in time, watches his closest friend heed his advice by allowing the love of his life to die in a tragic accident, thereby preserving Earth's history. Returning to the present , however, Spock confronts other such crises, and chooses instead to willfully alter the past. Challenged by the thorny demands of his logic, he will have to find a way to face his conflicting decisions.
IN A SINGLE MOMENT... that stays with Spock, he preserved the timeline at the cost of Jim Kirk's happiness. Now, the death of that Friend will cause Spock to reexamine the fundamental choices he has made for his own life. Unwilling to accept his feelings of loss and regret, he will seek what has previously eluded him: complete mastery of his emotions. But while his quest for perfect geometry of total logic will move him beyond his remorse, another loss will bring him full circle to once more face the fire he has never embraced.

Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.
|...| [Background Information]: An extract from this novel appeared in Star Trek Magazine issue 130.
Amanda's feeling of rejection after Spock achieves Kohlinar would seem to be contradicted by 2009's Star Trek, in which, after he expresses concern that this might occur, she explicitly assures him that she would proudly stand behind any decision he made.
The title of this novel is from a poem, Little Gidding, by T. S. Eliot. The section of the poem forms part of the book's epigraph.

Edições (3)

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Crucible #3:  Kirk (The Star to Every Wandering)
Crucible #2: Spock -- The Fire and the Rose
Crucible #1: McCoy ( Provenance of Shadows)


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Star Trek — Episódios da Série Clássica — vol. 5
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