Craving Him

Craving Him Kendall Ryan


Craving Him (Love by Design #2)

In Working It, New York Times bestselling author Kendall Ryan delivered a sexy and addictive contemporary romance about Emmy Clarke, a sweet southern girl out of her depth in New York Citys cutthroat fashion industry, and Ben Shaw, the hot male model who introduced her to a world of pleasure. But their story is far from complete

Emmy Clarke is no quitter. Toughened by her experience working for fashion heavyweight Fiona Stone, Emmy has come a long way from her country girl roots, embracing her fast-paced and unpredictable life in New York City.

Though that life comes with more than a few complications.

First theres the mystery of Fionas pregnancy, which may or may not involve Emmys boyfriend, superstar male model Ben Shaw. Emmy has always known that Ben comes with more baggage than she can handleand not the Louis Vuitton kind. Yet Ben is the only man who has ever loved Emmy for who she is, and she wants nothing more than to do the same for him, even if it means forgiving his past and overlooking their wildly different lifestyles.

But when a shocking secret from Bens past comes to light, unraveling all of their progress, Emmy must decide if their relationship is worth the fight, or if its time to ignore her passion for him and let go.

Erótico / Romance

Edições (1)

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Craving Him


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Craving Him - Kendall Ryan
on 24/1/17

Craving Him da autora Kendall Ryan nos leva de volta ao contubardo mundo da moda e ao relacionamento de Emmy Clarck com o lindo Ben Shaw, pois é as coisas não terminaram muito bem para o casal porque a sombra da Fiona Stone ainda sobrevoa sobre eles, então vem comigo descobrir o que acontece com esses dois. Emmy Clark não quer mais saber de glamour, de moda e muito menos de homens lindos como o seu ex namorado Ben Shaw, sim pois só um homem que diz amar uma garota apronta uma das q... leia mais


Avaliações 3.5 / 85
ranking 18
ranking 29
ranking 44
ranking 7
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
04/08/2014 21:34:48

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