Court of Blood and Bindings

Court of Blood and Bindings Lisette Marshall


Court of Blood and Bindings (Fae Isles #1)

When the empire’s deadliest fae murderer catches her wielding forbidden magic, twenty-year-old Emelin believes her hour has come. Instead, her inhumanly beautiful captor spares her life, but carries her off on his velvet wings – into the one place from which no human ever returns.

The heart of the Fae Isles. The treacherous Crimson Court, where the Mother of faekind has ruled unchallenged over fae and humans for decades.

The Silent Death is supposed to be the Mother’s loyal servant, her invincible warrior, her ruthless, soulless killer. But in the shadows he is playing a game of his own, and he needs Emelin’s magic to win it.

If she agrees to work with him, she could free all of humanity. But can she trust a fae male with so much blood on his hands? Worse, when his smouldering dark eyes and dangerous secrets reveal glimpses of the heart behind his murderer’s mask… can she trust herself?

Court of Blood and Bindings is the first book of the Fae Isles series, an enemies to lovers fantasy romance featuring a strong-willed heroine and a broody, morally grey hero. This adult fae romance is perfect for readers of Sarah J. Maas, Jennifer L. Armentrout and Raven Kennedy.

Note: Court of Blood and Bindings contains a generous dose of smouldering glances, angry yearning, and midnight meetings of the illicit type, as well as other mature themes.

Fantasia / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Court of Blood and Bindings


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Betrayer of Blood
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Resenhas para Court of Blood and Bindings (4)

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Muito bom
on 14/3/23

Me surpreendeu positivamente, foi uma história bem trabalhada e com uma personagem principal muito bem desenvolvida. amei a construção do romance, eu devorei esse livro em 1 dia.... leia mais


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Thariny @tharinylinno
cadastrou em:
13/07/2022 12:19:03
editou em:
17/01/2023 11:37:23

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