Convenience Store Woman

Convenience Store Woman Sayaka Murata


Convenience Store Woman

Keiko Furukura had always been considered a strange child, and her parents always worried how she would get on in the real world, so when she takes on a job in a convenience store while at university, they are delighted for her. For her part, in the convenience store she finds a predictable world mandated by the store manual, which dictates how the workers should act and what they should say, and she copies her coworkers’ style of dress and speech patterns so that she can play the part of a normal person. However, eighteen years later, at age 36, she is still in the same job, has never had a boyfriend, and has only few friends. She feels comfortable in her life, but is aware that she is not living up to society’s expectations and causing her family to worry about her. When a similarly alienated but cynical and bitter young man comes to work in the store, he will upset Keiko’s contented stasis―but will it be for the better?

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (4)

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Convenience Store Woman
Convenience Store Woman
Convenience Store Woman


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Resenhas para Convenience Store Woman (93)

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Me surpreendeu
on 23/3/21

É o seguinte, eu fui ler esse livro pensando que era uma narrativa levinha sobre a moça que trabalha em uma konbini refletindo sobre a vida. Acontece que eu to destruída pois pareceu um conto do Franz Kafka. Brincadeiras a parte, o livro me surpreendeu muito referente ao que eu (e a maioria da sociedade) considera normal e como pessoas que não se encaixam nesse padrões lidam com o cotidiano. Comparei essa história a algum conto no estilo "Franz Kafka" pois a cada momento que as c... leia mais


Avaliações 3.7 / 538
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ranking 1



cadastrou em:
02/09/2018 16:00:50

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