Connecting with an Altered (Wolves of Stone Ridge Book 56) (English Edition)

Connecting with an Altered (Wolves of Stone Ridge Book 56) (English Edition) Charlie Richards


Connecting with an Altered (Wolves of Stone Ridge Book 56) (English Edition)

Agreeing to do his fellow vampire enforcer a favor, Nereo Belmonte heads to Stone Ridge, Colorado. He thought the task sounded simple enoughsearch the minds of four men whod been experimented on and see if he can restore their memories. To his surprise, when Nereo walks into the room, he finds himself drawn to the blood of one of themWarren Berger. With a vested interest in the job, Nereo worries the mental fog he encounters may never clear, leaving Warrens mind in danger of returning to the experiments original programming. Warren knows his name. He knows his dutyfollow Doctor Winoans orders. Everything else is immaterial. Except, when Winoan orders him to kill a man, he hears a noise that makes him question thata snarling hiss that sounds like an order to stop. To Warrens surprise, something deep within his psyche responds, and he obeys, as does his three team members. The odd presence in his mind decides that the speakera cheetah, which turns into a manis their new leader. Warren doesnt understand whats going on, but he has no choice but to obey. Upon meeting Nereo, that voice in Warrens head purrs with delight. Warren agreeshe wants the man. While peering into Nereos red-irised gaze, odd images flood his mind, clouding him with confusion and distrust. Can Warren learn to trust Nereo, allowing him to help, before those who worked with his old boss finds a way to counter his internal voices control and steal him back?

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Connecting with an Altered (Wolves of Stone Ridge Book 56) (English Edition)



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