Coldhearted Boss

Coldhearted Boss R.S. Grey


Coldhearted Boss

A full-length STANDALONE romantic comedy from USA TODAY bestselling author R.S. Grey.

I’m desperate and destitute when Lockwood Construction rolls into my small town with an offer too good to pass up: high wages to any able-bodied man willing to join their crew.

Say no more. I throw on baggy clothes, tuck my long hair under a baseball hat, and apply for a job. Unfortunately, my half-baked idea of disguising myself as a guy is flawed from the beginning. As Shakira says, these hips don’t lie.

Still, I like to think I might have pulled the whole thing off save for one thing:

I know my boss.

Last month, we met at a bar, and after a fiery first encounter, it seems we’re destined to be sworn enemies.

Ethan Stone is ruthless and arrogant, a man I never would have crossed had I known how much he likes to toy with his prey.

He should just fire me and be done with it. Instead, he decides to make me his personal slave. Oh right, I think they’re calling it personal “assistant” these days.

It’s torture, all of it—his bad attitude, his ruggedly chiseled face, his desire to grind me into dust.

Every one of our friction-filled battles burns hotter than the last.

A girl can only hold out for so long. Soon, I’m bound to go up in flames.

My objective? Survive the heat long enough to send home a paycheck.
My real objective? Stop having X-rated fantasies about my coldhearted boss.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Coldhearted Boss


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Resenhas para Coldhearted Boss (52)

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r.s. grey voltou a me conquistar com esse aqui
on 17/4/23

faz muito tempo que eu não leio um enemies to lovers tão bom e divertido pois sinto que ultimamente tem ficado tão e tão sem graça, mas coldhearted boss foi muito delicinha de ler e foi beem melhor que muito hypado por ai que não merecia tanto hype assim comecei a ler sem saber de nada e não esperando nada além do pior pois tenho uma relação estranha com os livros lidos da autora em questão, mas surpreendentemente eu gostei muito da dinâmica dos personagens e de como a queridissima co... leia mais


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06/06/2019 13:03:48

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