Coldhearted Bastard

Coldhearted Bastard Jenika Snow


Coldhearted Bastard (Underworld Kings #2)

“My heart was racing with each turn of the page. I was submerged into Jenika’s writing, feeling the fear and desolation. With a strong and determined heroine and an unapologetically dangerous hero I couldn’t stop until I knew the future and at the same time, I didn’t want this story to end. Five brilliant stars for COLD HEARTED BASTARD.” ~ New York Times bestselling author Aleatha Romig

From USA Today bestselling author Jenika Snow comes a full-length gritty mafia romance that blurs the lines between right and wrong... and love and hate.

He didn’t have a heart… but he wanted hers.

All I knew about life was anger and violence. Pain and suffering. Kill or be killed.

I was a “fixer” for the Ruin—a syndicate for the Bratva, Cosa Nostra, Cartel, and any other organized crime faction that dealt in the darker, crueler aspects of humanity.

I was a free agent who was called upon to do things weaker men didn’t have the stomach for.

And when you surround yourself with death for long enough, soon you don’t remember what it felt like to be alive.

And then I saw her. She was a fragile little thing who tried to be strong. But I could tell she’d seen too much horror in the world, too much of the ugly within people. I should have stayed away. I’d only bring her further down into the darkness.

But for the first time in my life, I felt a stirring in my chest, this protectiveness and possessiveness toward another living person. And it was painful. It made me feel alive.

Lina tried to hide how broken she was, but I was an old friend of being ruined. She held secrets I’d find out. Because for the first time in my miserable life, I wanted something for myself. I felt something more than apathy and indifference.

I wanted to possess the innocence she clung to. I wanted to break it open and consume it for myself.

I could look into her too trusting blue eyes and knew I’d maim for her. I’d kill for her. And that became our truth when her past finally came back for her, when my present tried to destroy her.

They thought they could take the one thing—the only thing—I’d ever wanted for myself. They were wrong.

When I looked at her, I felt some of the monster that made me who I was retreat back to my black soul. He’d never leave… but he’d share the space.

For her.

A complete standalone novel in the Underworld Kings series.

“Jenika Snow is the queen of slow burn romance, and I was an urgent, needy mess while devouring this couple, loving every wanton look and torturously tantalizing touch. Dark mafia romance done at its finest!” ~Trisha Wolfe, USA Today best-selling author


Edições (1)

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Coldhearted Bastard


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Bem vanilla
on 21/3/23

Tinha tempo que não lia um livro ruim assim. Parece que nada acontece o livro inteiro, personagens rasos e DO NADA viram um casal e nem se conhecem (?), não tem desenvolvimento e chamar de lowburn pra mim é uma ofensa. O hot é bonzinho, mas o restante parece que foi escrito com pressa e só querendo demonstrar um lado de ?dominador? e ?encoste nela e morre?, mas faltou desenvolvimento da história e dos personagens.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
17/12/2021 18:22:11
editou em:
10/04/2023 18:14:06

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