Cloud Cuckoo Land: A Novel (English Edition)

Cloud Cuckoo Land: A Novel (English Edition) Anthony Doerr


Cloud Cuckoo Land: A Novel (English Edition)

When everything is lost, it’s our stories that survive
How do we weather the end of things? Cloud Cuckoo Land brings together an unforgettable cast of dreamers and outsiders from past, present and future to offer a vision of survival against all odds.

Constantinople, 1453:
An orphaned seamstress and a cursed boy with a love for animals risk everything on opposite sides of a city wall to protect the people they love.

Idaho, 2020:

An impoverished, idealistic kid seeks revenge on a world that’s crumbling around him. Can he go through with it when a gentle old man stands between him and his plans?

Unknown, Sometime in the Future:

With her tiny community in peril, Konstance is the last hope for the human race. To find a way forward, she must look to the oldest stories of all for guidance.

Bound together by a single ancient text, these tales interweave to form a tapestry of solace and resilience and a celebration of storytelling itself. Like it’s predecessor All the Light We Cannot See, Anthony Doerr’s new novel is a tale of hope and of profound human connection.


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Cloud Cuckoo Land: A Novel (English Edition)


Resenhas para Cloud Cuckoo Land: A Novel (English Edition) (9)

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on 5/5/22

Sem dúvida um dos melhores livros que eu li nos últimos tempos. Eu nunca faço resenha de nada mas vim aqui fazer desse só pra indicar pra quem ainda tiver dúvidas. Durante o livro todo a gente se pergunta como as três histórias vão se cruzar, sendo que elas são separadas por séculos, e no fim quando tudo se junta faz total sentido. A leitura é bem fluida, as histórias são cativantes e o final é lindo e sensível. Eu, formado na escola de Stephen King, já espero finais ruins pra livros ... leia mais


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