Claimed by the Alien Warrior

Claimed by the Alien Warrior Hope Hart


Claimed by the Alien Warrior

A Sci Fi Alien Romance (Warriors of Agron Book 2

Being stuck on an alien planet when you’ve made an enemy of the local tribe King.

Okay, so I may have stolen his favorite misua and snuck away to find my friends. But he should’ve known better than to forbid me to go. I’m a marine, and we leave no man-- or woman, behind.

Besides- putting distance between us is a good thing, especially since I’m sure he’s coming after me. We’re like fire and gasoline, and spending time near him is is like lighting a match and waiting for the explosion.

So what if his dark eyes promise more pleasure than I’ve ever experienced? I’m finding my friends and getting off this planet.

Even if this alien king seems to think he owns me.

Even if a tiny part of me might like the idea of being owned… by him.

Claimed by the Alien Warrior is book two of the Warriors of Agron series, and it's a full-length romance with no cliffhanger and a guaranteed HEA. While this is a standalone, you'll enjoy it much more if you read Taken by the Alien Warrior first.

If you like hot, dominant aliens, kick-ass heroines, and steamy romance, you'll love Warriors of Agron- Hope Hart's new sci-fi romance series.

Read it Now.

Aventura / Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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Claimed by the Alien Warrior


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Taken by the Alien Warrior

Resenhas para Claimed by the Alien Warrior (3)

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on 11/7/22

achei o casal melhor que o primeiro, porém mesmo assim esperava mais do livro. sinto que a autora corre muito em alguns momentos e esquece de melhorar outros outra coisa que não gostei nesses livros até agora, é que tem uns tramas parecidos com romances normais ??? o que não deveria ter... leia mais


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29/03/2020 21:52:38

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