Claimed by an Alien Warrior

Claimed by an Alien Warrior Tiffany Roberts


Claimed by an Alien Warrior

An otherworldly warrior desperate to escape Earth. A curvy human female who’s his only hope—and his deepest desire.

After losing her job, apartment, and boyfriend in one afternoon, Zoey doesn’t think things can get any worse. Then an uninvited passenger—green, four-armed, and sexy as sin—proves her wrong by dragging her into his frantic escape. Helping Rendash is the right thing to do, but it means becoming a fugitive and risking the only things she has left—her life, and her heart.

Weakened by years of captivity and torture, Rendash, an elite aligarii warrior, seizes his only opportunity for freedom. Alone in an alien wasteland, he seeks the aid of a human, one of the very species that imprisoned him. But he finds himself inexplicably drawn to Zoey, and his need to protect her soon wars with his mission to return to his homeworld.

With a shadowy government agency pursuing them, Zoey and Rendash must race across the country before he is recaptured, and she is thrown in a dark cell as a traitor to her kind. But their greatest obstacle may be the most unlikely—their insatiable attraction to one another.

Erótico / Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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Claimed by an Alien Warrior


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on 24/9/22

Decidi ler esse livro porque parecia ser uma leitura rápida, fácil e sem muita profundidade, o que pode parecer pontos negativos mas na realidade era exatamente o que eu precisava para me apegar a uma história. Acompanhamos a história de Zoey, uma jovem que vê seu mundo virar de cabeça para baixo ao ser demitida, receber um aviso de despejo e flagrar o namorado com outra no mesmo dia. Durante a viagem que fazia para passar um tempo na casa de uma amiga, acaba sendo sequestrada e man... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 12
ranking 17
ranking 42
ranking 33
ranking 8
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
24/01/2022 11:48:10
editou em:
23/03/2023 15:56:39

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