Cherish Farrah: A Novel (English Edition)

Cherish Farrah: A Novel (English Edition) Bethany C. Morrow


Cherish Farrah: A Novel (English Edition)

From bestselling author Bethany C. Morrow comes a new adult social horror novel in the vein of Get Out meets My Sister, the Serial Killer, about Farrah, a young, calculating Black girl who manipulates her way into the lives of her Black best friends white, wealthy, adoptive family but soon suspects she may not be the only one with ulterior motives. . . . Seventeen-year-old Farrah Turner is one of two Black girls in her country club community, and the only one with Black parents. Her best friend, Cherish Whitman, adopted by a white, wealthy family, is something Farrah likes to call WGSWhite Girl Spoiled. With Brianne and Jerry Whitman as parents, Cherish is given the kind of adoration and coddling that even upper-class Black parents cant seem to affordand it creates a dissonance in her best friend that Farrah can exploit. When her own family is unexpectedly confronted with foreclosure, the calculating Farrah is determined to reassert the control shes convinced shes always had over her life by staying with Cherish, the only person she loveseven when she hates her. As troubled Farrah manipulates her way further into the Whitman family, the longer she stays, the more her own parents suggest that something is wrong in the Whitman house. She might trust themif they didnt think something was wrong with Farrah, too. When strange things start happening at the Whitman householddebilitating illnesses, upsetting fever dreams, an inexplicable tension with Cherishs hotheaded boyfriend, and a mysterious journal that seems to keep track of what is happening to Farrahits nothing she cant handle. But soon everything begins to unravel when the Whitmans invite Farrah closer, and its anyones guess who is really in control. Told in Farrahs chilling, unforgettable voice and weaving in searing commentary on race and class, this slow-burn social horror will keep you on the edge of your seat until the last page.

Horror / Jovem adulto / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Cherish Farrah: A Novel (English Edition)


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Cherish Farrah é o tipo de livro que nem toda resenha do mundo poderia resumir a experiência. Cherish Whitman e Farrah Turner são as únicas garotas negras em uma comunidade praticamente de brancos. Cherish foi adotada por um casal branco quando bebê e Farrah a chama de white girl spoiled (garota branca mimada), visto que seus pais adotivos fazem tudo pela garota. Quando os pais de Farrah começam a enfrentar problemas financeiros, é decidido que ela passe algum tempo morando com o... leia mais


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